Recruit & Hire Smarter with Ciprani Consulting

   We helped Shannon Shue recruit and train a new hire. Here’s her success story.

When Shannon Shue needed to hire someone to fill an open position in her company, she turned to us at Ciprani Consulting. As hiring consultants, we help weed out the less-than-ideal candidates and provide training resources to help the ultimate hire adapt to their new role. Today Shannon and I sat down to discuss how Ciprani Consulting helped smooth out the process and gave her confidence to fill the open role on her team. 

Follow along in the video above or use the timestamps below to navigate our discussion at your leisure:

0:00 — Why Shannon chose Ciprani Consulting to help her hire

1:00 — How she narrowed down her candidates to move forward with the hiring process

2:38 — Why she felt so confident with the hire she eventually made

3:39 — How much time and effort went into hiring John?

5:02 — Discussing the training and consulting process

6:26 — How our pre-existing templates made the process easier

7:30 — Would Shannon return to us to help her make another hire?

8:42 — How letting us turn down candidates helped Shannon

If you have any questions or would like our assistance in making a new hire for your business, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email. We’d love to help you.