Ciprani Consulting: Why Mary Beth Can’t Stop Raving About Us

 Here’s what one of our recent clients had to say about working with us.

Today we’re bringing you another success story from one of our great clients. Mary Beth joined us recently to talk about her experience working with Ciprani Consulting.

Previously, she had paid a company to post a few job ads for them. They were looking for a full-time executive assistant, but they found no qualified candidates. Then they were referred to us, and they decided it was time to hire us the experts to help them fill the role.

From the beginning, Mary Beth felt that we were on the ball, and she loved the initial sales and introduction calls. She told us what she was looking for and gave us the traits, characteristics, and ideal description for the role. Then we tweaked the description back and forth until we came up with something great.

We put the job description out everywhere online and gave her weekly reports about how many candidates we received and interviewed. She looked forward to it every Friday, and she appreciated the accountability.

“We took the burden of hiring off her shoulders.”

The biggest thing for Mary Beth was that she didn’t have to do anything. We took the burden of hiring the assistant off her shoulders, and she knew that no matter what, she would have a pool of three to five great candidates to choose from.

This business can be crazy, and it’s normal to be scared of hiring the wrong person. We’re in the business of finding people that meet the needs of clients like Mary Beth. By getting to know her and how she operates, we were able to help her find the right person. 

“Everything that was explained in the initial contract was followed to the letter, specified, and automized. I’m an organizer, and that’s what made it really beneficial to me and the team,” said Mary Beth.

Thanks to Mary Beth for sharing her experience. If you have any questions about how we can help you with your future hiring needs, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. We look forward to hearing from you.

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