Star Employee Retention Tips: Keep Your A-Team Happy

Welcome to Ciprani Consulting’s first vlog on recruitment. This vlog will explore multiple topics related to recruiting and retention. In addition, this video also uses a case study to demonstrate one of the ways in which we will relay content in an engaging and educational way. We’re focused on hiring in the twenty-first century and […]

Purple Unicorns: Unveiling the Truth About Their Existence

If you’ve ever been tasked with making a hire, you’ll understand what I’m about to address, which is the elusive, “purple unicorn.” If you’ve never had to make a hire, let me explain what this majestic creature is.  When hiring, we all have a vision of the perfect human that we aim to bring onto […]

The Unsaid Dilemma: Break Your Silence & Find Solutions

If you’ve ever been a member of a work community, you’ve probably experienced the things that have gone unsaid. These are the unspoken frustrations, the ideas that are never shared, and the thoughts and feelings that get pushed to the wayside for fear of receiving a negative reaction from management or other coworkers.  The problem […]

Ciprani Consulting: Why Mary Beth Can’t Stop Raving About Us

 Here’s what one of our recent clients had to say about working with us. Today we’re bringing you another success story from one of our great clients. Mary Beth joined us recently to talk about her experience working with Ciprani Consulting. Previously, she had paid a company to post a few job ads for them. […]